Katie Kirkpatrick
which knives are for the animals
which ones are for the girls?
Through an assemblage of handwritten accounts, academic papers, poems, news articles, short stories, and images, which knives are for the animals|which ones are for the girls? prompts viewers to examine and engage with the complex underpinnings of feminine subjectivity. Formless casts of resin and scattered magnifying lenses amplify and obscure the concurrent violence of sexism, colonialism, and industrialization, revealing their shared intersection in aggressive masculinity and domination over women and nature. A cathartic collision between internal conflict and external circumstances, this piece invites an intimate, vulnerable conversation about the objectification of feminine persons and the environment across our material worlds, political regimes, and cultural imaginations.
empty playgrounds, sacred soup.
Opening reception: Friday, March 3 // 6-8 PM
On view: March 4-31, 2023
Moody Center for the Arts,
Lovett Lounge/ Second Floor
Katie Kirkpatrick
Lily Weeks
Jeff Xia
Peyton Chiang
This exhibition has been underwritten by the Mavis C. Pitman Endowment and the Department of Visual and Dramatic Arts. For more information, please visit www.arts.rice.edu or call 713-348-4882.