Support Art

No Upper Limit

Rice University’s first president, Edgar Odell Lovett, established a vision that remains at the core of the university today: to build a university with “no upper limit,” dedicated to “the fundamental sciences, the liberal humanities, and the progress of modern learning."

Keeping President Lovett’s vision central to our mission, the Department of Art works to allow emerging artists and scholars to ground their work in informed perspective. We encourage and support the pursuit of artistic excellence as an outcome of scholarly thought and dialog.

The artists and academic programs in the studio arts, theatre, and film, rely on the support of the greater Houston arts and cultural communities. If you would like to help underwrite one of these programs, please consider a financial gift today.

Become an Arts Underwriter

To explore opportunities in the studio arts, film, theatre, or student scholarships and fellowships, please contact Emily Stein at 713-348-3424 ( or click the Donate Now button below. You may designate your financial support to Department of Art general programs or specific Studio, Theatre, Film, or Photography programs.

Double or Triple Your Gift

More than 1,000 corporations match donations made by employees, their families, and retirees to institutions of higher education. If your company participates in such a program, your dollars can be doubled or even tripled for Rice. And your increased gift could bump you up to a higher-level giving society that offers more benefits to members.

To have your gift matched, contact your company’s human resources office for your company’s matching gift form and policies.

DONATE to the Department of Art