Bee Box Jiin Rhew

jiin rhew

I use embroidery and sculpture to engage in a meticulous process of labor that allows for contemplation while challenging everyday notions of efficiency through obsessive care. Having spent my formative years in Korea, it took traveling to the US for me to be fully cognizant of how deeply colonial value systems are ingrained in every aspect of Korean life. I employ creative strategies of self-exploration through the act of recollection that aim to open up larger questions of history and collective memory. By examining memories of ambiguous relations, I look to reconfigure my own narrative and understanding of my past.

'untitled' 2023, quilted organza fabric by Jiin Rhew

Wearable collaged bodice by Jiin Rhew

Wearable collaged bodice, front view, by Jiin Rhew

Bee Box by Jiin Rhew

Bee Box ariel view by Jiin Rhew

VADA Senior Exhibition 2023 main page