Facilities Policies and Procedures

1. Requests for Use of Hamman Hall

1.1 Rice University Community Requests. Department requests must be presented in writing by completing a Request for Use of Facilities and submitting it to the Facilities Administrator for approval and verification that dates for the event can be appropriately scheduled and adequately staffed.

Student organization requests must be presented in writing by completing a Request for Use of Facilities approved by the Office of Student Activities and submitting it to the Facilities Administrator for approval and verification that dates for the event can be appropriately scheduled and adequately staffed.

Co-sponsored organization requests must be presented for approval in writing, accompanied by written verification from a member of their faculty or administrative staff, that sponsorship meets all requirements as outlined in section 1.3, and the written approval of the Divisional Dean, Provost, or Office of Student Activities.

1.2 Requests by Off-Campus Organizations. It is the practice of Rice University to share facilities with the greater community when, in the University's discretion, it is possible and the intended use is appropriate to the university setting and to Hamman Hall. Rice reserves the right to decline an application for use when, in its judgment and sole discretion, such use is not in the interests of Rice or Hamman Hall.

1.2.1 The use of Hamman Hall for an event to be presented or sponsored in any part by an individual, group, or organization other than a campus organization requires the approval of the Facilities Administrator, the Dean of the School of Humanities, the Registrar, and the President’s Office.

a. Unless a request for a closed event is approved by the President's Office, all such events must be open to all Rice students, faculty, and staff.

b. Approval of by the President's Office is required for any admission or other fees or charges associated with the event. Charges, if approved, may not exceed actual costs. Explicit approval of the President's Office is required for charges intended for the benefit of any non-profit organization or where funds will be solicited at an event.

1.2.2 Assuming the event meets the requirements for acceptable use as outlined in section 1.3, requests for the use of Hamman Hall by off-campus organizations must be presented in writing by submitting a completed Request for Use of Facilities to the Facilities Administrator for approval and verification that the date for the event can be appropriately scheduled and staffed.

1.2.3 Event dates are not considered confirmed until Rice has approved the executed Rental Agreement, the full rental fee has been received by Rice University, and Hamman Hall’s Facilities Administrator has returned to Presenter written confirmation of the date.

1.3 Acceptable Uses of Hamman Hall.

1.3.1 Events of a fine arts or educational nature presented by a department of the university primarily for the benefit of the Rice University community. Examples include, but are not limited to, plays or musicals, concerts, music ensembles, choirs, bands, lectures, award presentations, and meetings.

1.3.2 Events of a fine arts or educational nature presented by a registered Rice University student organization primarily for the benefit of the Rice University community.

1.3.3 Events of a fine arts or educational nature co-sponsored by a registered Rice University student organization or academic or administrative department in conjunction with non Rice University affiliated organizations primarily for the benefit of the Rice University community. Co-sponsorships must meet all of the following requirements:

a. the co-sponsoring organization must be a Rice University academic or administrative department or a student organization registered with the Office of Student Activities;

b. the event must be in keeping with the organization’s stated purpose and with the overall mission of Rice University;

c. the co-sponsoring organization must participate in the event to a significant degree; and

d. the organization must offer admission to Rice University students at a significantly reduced rate.

1.3.4 Rentals to Presenters of off-campus non-profit organizations that are of a fine arts or educational nature, which will serve to enhance significantly the university environment for current and potential students.

2. Scheduling. The following is a list of priority scheduling for events in Hamman Hall:

a. Official Rice University functions as scheduled by the Office of the Registrar.

b. Rice University community requests. Requests must be submitted no later than December 31 of the academic year immediately prior to the year of the request and will not be confirmed until January 15. Requests will be considered in the following priority:

1. Hamman Hall Artists in Residence

2. Academic Departments

3. Student Organizations

4. University Relations

5. All other Rice University Departments and offices

6. Co-sponsorships, as described in Section 1.3.

c. Off-campus organization requests may be submitted at any time but will not be confirmed until January 31 of the year prior to the academic year of the request. Reservations will not be considered confirmed until all appropriate approvals have been received by the Facilities Administrator and the Facilities Administrator has confirmed the approval of the request in writing. Receipt of the signed rental agreement and full rental fee is required prior to submitting the application for approval.

d. Requests submitted after the deadlines indicated above will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis with a minimum of 30 days’ notice and will not be considered approved until the appropriate approvals have been received by the Facilities Administrator and the Facilities Administrator has confirmed the approval of the request in writing. Receipt of the rental agreement and full rental fee are required prior to submitting request for approval.

3. Access.

3.1 Hamman Hall operating hours are 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

3.2 Equipment or material may not be delivered to Hamman Hall prior to the first scheduled date unless prior approval is obtained from the Facilities Administrator and/or Technical Director. All equipment and material must be removed immediately after the final performance unless prior written approval is obtained from the Facilities Administrator and/or Technical Director.

3.3 Presenter’s staff members are not allowed in the stage or seating areas unless Hamman Hall staff members are present.

3.4 Presenter’s staff members are not permitted in the control booth or storage areas of Hamman Hall without the written approval of the Technical Director.

3.5 Presenter’s staff members are not allowed at any time in the catwalk of the lighting cove.

3.6 Audience members are strictly prohibited from going on stage or back stage before, during, or after the performance. The Presenter assumes all liability for performers and audience members during the contracted periods in Hamman Hall.

4. Advertising. No advertising material bearing the name Hamman Hall or Rice University may be distributed on or off campus in any way until a request for use has been approved and confirmed in writing. Posting of all advertising materials must meet Rice University policies, including but not limited to, no use of the University name or logos without prior approval. Presenter must not imply in any way endorsement of the event by Rice University.

5. Alcohol. Presenter may not serve or allow to be served alcoholic beverages in connection with the event. Exceptions to this rule are granted only on rare occasions, and Presenter must make or request for exception in advance and secure written permission from the Facilities Administrator before any alcohol service is allowed.

6. Animals. No animals of any kind are allowed in Hamman Hall without prior written approval of the Facilities Administrator. Exception is made for service animals used to assist handicapped or disabled persons.

7. Banners and Signs. Presenter must obtain approval in advance from the Facilities Administrator of all banners, signs, posters, ropes, or ribbons (including any to be hung on walls, seats, or doors), materials used to attach signage, and locations of signage. Failure to remove all signage immediately following the final performance, including materials used to attach signage, will result in an additional labor charge of not less than $50.00. All signage must be mounted under the supervision of the Technical Director.

8. Box Office. Presenters may use the box office area provided Facilities Administrator has been notified of the need no less than two weeks prior to first scheduled activity. The box office computer, printer, and software are the property of Rice University and may not be used by the Presenter unless approved in advance by the Facilities Administrator. Use of any box office equipment, computer, printer, or software is subject to additional fees as noted in Exhibit 2 (Fee Schedule).

9. Cancellations. Presenter must notify Hamman Hall’s Facilities Administrator of any cancellation in writing. If cancellation is made at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled event, seventy-five percent (75%) of advance payments will be refunded. If cancellation is made with less than sixty (60) days’ notice, all advance payments will be forfeited. Where Presenter has failed to cancel within at least sixty (60) days’ notice, and where compelling circumstances exist, Rice may, at its sole discretion, decide to apply advance payments to a future reservation. In the event Rice University is unable to furnish Hamman Hall for any reason, it shall have no further liability than to refund the Presenter’s advance payments.

10. Capacity. The seating capacity of Hamman Hall is 466. No standing room tickets may be sold and no additional seating may be added. Once all seats are filled, no other persons may be admitted to the auditorium. Violation of this rule may result in the immediate cancellation of the event.

11. Condition of Facility.

11.1 All rentals are “as is” and entitle Presenter to a license to use of Hamman Hall with its lighting and sound equipment as they exist on the day of the event and without any representations or warranties as to their fitness for a particular use. Hamman Hall maintains a repertory light plot. Information about the light plot and available sound equipment can be obtained from the Facilities Administrator. Stage curtains, legs, and borders are provided “as hung” on the day of the event. If Presenter requires stage curtains, legs, or borders, to be arranged in a specific manner for the event there will be an additional charge for the labor required as noted on Exhibit 2 (Fee Schedule). Requests for change or additions to repertory light plot, installation of available sound equipment, and arrangement of curtains, legs, and borders must be received no later than two weeks before the event.

11.2 There is an additional fee for custodial services for events scheduled on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. See Exhibit 2 (Fee Schedule).

11.3 The Presenter is responsible for return of all other areas of Hamman Hall, including dressing rooms, stage area, concession area, and green room, to the same condition in which it was received.

12. Damages. As specified in the Agreement, Presenter is financially liable for all damages including, but not limited to, persons, facilities, or equipment.

13. Non-Discrimination. Presenter, in its use of Hamman Hall, may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or Vietnam veteran status.

14. Dressing Rooms. Rice University and staff of Hamman Hall are not responsible or liable for items left in dressing rooms. Dressing rooms must be completely cleared of production materials and personal belongings immediately following the final performance. Any items left after this time will be discarded and Presenter will be charged additional labor charges of no less than $50.00.

15. Equipment. Hamman Hall equipment, including, but not limited to, stage lighting, rigging, curtains, drapery, lift, scaffolding, machinery, tools, ladders, supplies, special effects, and sound equipment must be operated by Hamman Hall staff or approved contract personnel. All events are scheduled with Hamman Hall standard set up. Fees for use of additional equipment not included in standard set up are in addition to the rental fee for the facility, and must be paid by the Presenter. See Exhibit 2 (Fee Schedule). Unauthorized use of equipment will result in an extra charge as noted in the attached Exhibit 2 (Fee Schedule).

16. Fire and Radiation. Any on-stage or off-stage fire or radiation must be approved in writing and in advance by the Facilities Administrator and Rice University Office of Environmental Health and Safety at least one week before the scheduled arrival time. All applicable City of Houston and/or State of Texas permits must be obtained and are the sole responsibility of the Presenter.

17. Food and drinks other than bottled water are not permitted on Hamman Hall premises unless approved by Hamman Hall Facilities Administrator. If approval is given presenter must provide a minimum of six ushers to make sure that no food or drink is allowed in the upper lobby or auditorium.

18. Handicapped and Disabled Patrons. Wheel chair seating is available on the front row of the house and requires the removal of fixed seats. Sufficient notice must be given to Technical Director to have necessary time to make this seating conversion, preferably no later than one hour before curtain. These seats may not be sold or offered to non wheelchair-bound patrons unless all other seats have been sold. Wheelchairs will not be allowed to block fire exits or aisles. Presenters are required to provide space at no charge for service animals that assist the disabled patrons. Presenters must make handicapped seating available at a price no higher than the lowest price ticket available to able-bodied patrons. Any special equipment or personnel required to accommodate a disabled person shall be provided by the Presenter at the Presenter's costs. With sufficient advance notice, the Facilities Administrator may be able to assist Presenter in arranging for assistive devices.

19. Hazardous Materials. Presenter shall not use or store, or permit anyone else to use or store, hazardous materials upon or about the premises nor permit such materials upon the premises at any time without the express written consent of the Facilities Administrator. All determinations as to what is considered a hazardous material shall be made by the Facilities Administrator and Rice University Department of Environmental Health and Safety.

20. Inappropriate Behavior. Inappropriate behavior on the part of the Presenter, performers, and/or audience may result in the cancellation or cessation of the event at the discretion of the Hamman Hall Facilities Administrator, or his/her designee. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to obstruction of aisles, exits, doorways, stairwells, or passageways; destruction of and/or damage to Rice University facilities, property, or equipment; failure to abide by any of the rules, procedures, or policies stipulated in this contract; or perceived danger to staff, patrons or performers.

21. Insurance. Presenter must submit a certificate of insurance to Hamman Hall's Facilities Administrator evidencing coverage for all days of rental period set forth as follows no later than two weeks prior to using Hamman Hall.

Schedule of Insurance: Limits of Liability

Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance
Accident: $500,000 Each Accident
Disease: $500,000 Each Employee
Disease: $500,000 Policy Limit

Commercial General Liability
General Aggregate: $1,000,000
Products/Completed Operations Aggregate: $1,000,000
Each Occurrence: $1,000,000
Personal and Advertising Injury: $1,000,000
Fire Damage Liability: $50,000
Medical Payments: $5,000

Automobile Liability
Insures all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with limits of not less than the following:

Bodily Injury and Property Damage: $1,000,000 Each Accident

The aforementioned insurance policies shall bear the following:

1) Endorsements waiving rights of subrogation against William Marsh Rice University on the General Liability, Automobile Liability and Workers Compensation policies.

2) Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance policies shall bear endorsements naming William Marsh Rice University as an Additional Insured.

Certificates of Insurance shall be filed with Rice prior to commencement of the work and or event.

Rice University can arrange for general liability and auto liability if Presenter does not have such coverage. For more information, please contact the Hamman Hall’s Facilities Administrator.