Keshav Wagle
Close Exam (2022)

Everyone in their lifetime hs taken some sort of exam, and a lot of people have had the feeling that a test can "define their life." We believe that our success in life is defined quantitatively. I've personally had this experience many times, including over the course of this semester, as I've been preparing for one of these, "life defining exams." Throughout these experiences, I've gone to dangerous measures sometimes to make sure I get everything done, and I'm sure many other people can relate to this feeling. My work aims to empathize with those people. We try our hardest, and emotions overcome us, sometimes transforming us into completely different people. In the past, my work has captured the slices of college life that are much more enjoyable, being college events like orientation week, and while this project is quite silly, it's focused on a completely different side of college life that i usually don't explore. However, it's something that everyone can relate to. this is my art, and I hope you enjoy what I've created.