Abigail King
Portal (2021)
Like a looking glass, my work both reflects and distorts the world. through y lens reality becomes a fully artificial, warped, flattened, pulled apart, deep fried. I make acrylic paintings, drawing, relief prints and combinations of the three, incorporating fluorescent colors, digital language and a cast of cryptid characters. Liminal or dream-like imagery emphasizes the unreal aspects of familiar subjects and settings. With a healthy dose of irony and humor, i take a sardonic look at consumerism, depersonalization, and the modern human condition. My work exists in the backrooms of our world, straddling the interface of the authentic and the synthetic, the sincere and the satirical, the unfamiliar and the cliche, and, in doing so, gleefully blurs the lines between them all. Consider where the boundaries fall as you enter the deep fryer.