CCTV Social: a lecture by CAMP
Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Reception at Welcome Center: 6:00 pm
Lecture in Sewall Hall room 301: 6:30 pm
Event link
CAMP (founded by Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran in 2007) is a Mumbai-based studio of people who are artists, architects, filmmakers, and technologists. They host long-running video archives and, a rooftop cinema for the past 15 years, and make art that is possessed of an infrastructural imagination.
They have been producing work in film and video, electronic media, and public art forms, in a practice characterised by a hand-dirtying, non-alienated relation to technology. CAMP’s projects have engaged with complex social and technical assemblies: Energy, communication, transport and surveillance systems, ports, ships, archives, housing projects – things much larger than themselves. These are shown as unstable, leaky and contestable, in the sense of ultimately not having a fixed function or destiny, making them both a medium and stage for artistic activity.
CAMP’s artworks have been exhibited in biennales, museums and film festivals worldwide, and in the streets, markets and neighbourhoods of Bangalore, San Jose, Dakar, Mexico City, Jerusalem, Kolkata, Kabul, Delhi, Ljubljana, Münster and Bombay and are in the permanent collection of major museums. Recent shows include solos at Sharjah Art Foundation, (2022) Nam June Paik Art Center (2021), Argos Center for Art and Media, Brussels, and the De Appel Gallery, Amsterdam (2019) and performances at M+,HongKong (2023) and MoMA, New York (2023). In 2020 they were awarded the 7th Nam June Paik Centre Prize. CAMP were Forensic Architecture guest professors for 2023-2024 and are visiting fellows at the Center for Experimental Ethnography, UPenn, 2024.

2024-25 Visiting Artist Lecture Series
Visual identity developed by Think Tanger, a non-profit cultural agency based in Tangier, Morocco, shaping cities through art, design, research, and collaboration.
Artistic Director: Hicham Bouzid
Graphic Design: Kamal Daghmoumi
All lectures are free and open to the public.
Discounted parking available at Founder’s Court visitor lot, for each event. $6 flat rate, credit card required.
2024-25 Visiting Artist Lecture Series